Workshops Methodology in Depth
The Wolper Institute brings tested tools.
The Workshops utilize a unique immersive methodology provided by a multi-disciplinary team of doctoral-level experts. It is designed for participants to gain more awareness about their defenses which obstruct learning and leadership, thus challenging them to view interpersonal relationships in the workplace from a new perspective. Participants examine their own social identities and how they influence the way they show up. The examination of difference goes beyond theory and rhetoric to intense discovery.
The most successful leaders excel in interpersonal skills, not technical expertise. Substantive DEI policies are established by professionals with a strong understanding of group dynamics that govern interpersonal relations among people from many different walks of life. Overcoming negative attitudes about DEI training requires extensive self-awareness, introspective skill, and understanding of human defenses.
Founder Jeff Wopler and his team have brought their unique approach to corporations, The United States Department of State, multiple universities including The Lauder Institute at The Wharton School, The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and professional psychology associations delivering a workshop far removed from the usual three-day workshop interlude. Workshop evaluations and feedback are consistently excellent.
How It Works
Our entire professional lives are built around authority and structure. Social identities and other differences influence perceptions and behavior. Over time, this develops expectations for workplace operations which are complicated. The Leadership and DEI workshops examine this process directly and provides new insight for professional performance.
The Workshops in Depth
The Leadership and Authority in Groups and The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshops include several components revealing truth often hidden by human defenses.
Reading - A bibliography is provided in advance of the workshop with particular articles to be read in preparation for this venture.
The Introduction - The first hour of the workshop includes an overview of the methodology, literature, and rational for the program.
Small Group - Most of the learning occurs in the small group of approximately thirteen participants. Although offered for a single group, the workshop usually includes two to four small groups each with its own consultant. One of the key components of the workshop is establishing an authority vacuum in the small group. As opposed to top - down lectures, an over-reliance on the reading material, impersonal slide presentations that send participants looking outward, we transform participants into active learners.
With interventions from a team of experts referred to as Consultants the group learns to embrace diversity in ways that honor personal and cultural differences. The focus of our participants is inward in the “here and now” providing deeply pertinent, customized training.
Large Group - The large group event includes a structured task designed to strengthen the learning which occurs in the small groups.
The large group components provide an opportunity to further study the underlying group dynamics in different contexts. Participants are instructed to complete one of the following tasks. Group members compare and contrast their experience in the small group providing cross fertilization of the resources present. Another task requires participants to discuss specific themes that are emerging in the small group(s) identified by the consultants. During one of the gatherings a film is viewed to change the focus from studying their own behavior to that of a group in the movie. This serves to strengthen the learning for continued self inquiry in the small group.
Debriefing - The workshop concludes with a one hour lecture, questions and answers, and completion of a workshop evaluation. While participants are free to leave following the debriefing, a short reception completes the experience for those who want to say good bye informally. Frequently, participants’ enthusiasm is demonstrated by difficulty bringing the reception to a close.
Attendance Requirement - The Workshops require 100% attendance for all sessions. Since a group is the sum of its parts the presence of every individual is critical. Missing a session has a substantive impact on the group as a whole. Such absences sabotage the group's learning because the focus shifts to the missing member rather than its developmental progress; the process and learning is further compromised when the individual returns.
Benefits for Your Group
Recognizing and understanding human defenses accesses learning not achieved in traditional workshops. Participants discover the power of their own differences. They become more effective leaders. New learning contributes to developing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training. The wisdom is used to establish effective DEI policy. Completing one of the workshops helps you:
Be more effective in groups -- including social responsibility, leading successful work teams, and managing conflict.
Increase awareness of the impact that a range of behaviors have on groups.
Gain a clearer understanding of group dynamics in general -- especially how groups relate to authority and how you will be most successful teaching DEI and setting policy.
Enhance leadership ability, management skills and team performance -- especially across different demographics or cultures.